Keyword: usoj_pidief.acv
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This Trojan has received attention from independent media sources and/or other security firms. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Trojan, refer to the Threat Diagram shown How does this threat get into users' systems? This threat arrives as a spammed message purportedly from the Bureau of the Shanghai
This worm arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It disables Task Manager, Registry Editor, and Folder
\command HKEY_CURRENT_USER\acv HKEY_CURRENT_USER\acv\DefaultIcon HKEY_CURRENT_USER\acv\shell HKEY_CURRENT_USER\acv\shell\ open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\acv\shell\ open\command HKEY_CURRENT_USER\acv\shell\ runas
This spyware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This spyware arrives on a system as a
This spyware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It deletes itself after execution. Arrival Details This
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It may be downloaded by other malware/grayware from
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This spyware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This spyware arrives on a system as a
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It disables Task Manager, Registry Editor, and Folder
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This spyware arrives as an attachment to email messages spammed by other malware/grayware or malicious users. Arrival Details This spyware arrives as an attachment to email messages spammed by other
This spyware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This spyware arrives on a system as a
This backdoor arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This backdoor arrives on a system as a
This backdoor arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This backdoor arrives on a system as a