Linux/Xbash-A (Sophos_Lite), Linux.Trojan (Norton)
Threat Type: Ransomware
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: Yes
In the wild: Yes
This Ransomware may be downloaded by other malware/grayware/spyware from remote sites.
Arrival Details
This Ransomware may be downloaded by other malware/grayware/spyware from remote sites.
Stolen Information
This Ransomware sends the gathered information via HTTP POST to the following URL:
- http://{BLOCKED}n.tk/{BLOCKED}r
Other Details
This Ransomware does the following:
- It uses the following list of passwords to bruteforce database servers:
- test
- neagrle
- 123456
- admin
- root
- password
- 123123
- 123
- 1
- {user}
- {user}{user}
- {user}1
- {user}123
- {user}2016
- {user}2015
- {user}!
- P@ssw0rd!!
- qwa123
- 12345678
- test
- 123qwe!@#
- 123456789
- 123321
- 1314520
- 666666
- woaini
- fuckyou
- 000000
- 1234567890
- 8888888
- qwerty
- 1qaz2wsx
- abc123
- abc123456
- 1q2w3e4r
- 123qwe
- 159357
- p@ssw0rd
- p@55w0rd
- password!
- p@ssw0rd!
- password1
- r00t
- tomcat
- apache
- system'
- summer
- 121212
- jason
- admin123
- goodluck123
- peaches
- asdfghjkl
- wang123456
- falcon
- www123
- 1qazxsw2
- 112211
- fuckyou
- test
- silver
- 123456789
- 234567
- 1122334455
- xxxxxx
- 123321
- 7788521
- 123456qaz
- hunter
- qwe123
- 123
- asdf123
- password
- 1q2w3e4r
- nihao123
- aaaa1111
- 123123
- 147258369
- a123
- 123qwe
- 1234abcd
- spider
- qqaazz
- qwertyuiop
- 1234qwer
- 123abc
- qwer1234
- mustang
- 123456
- 123456a
- ww123456
- 1234
- 123456.com
- football
- jessica
- power
- q1w2e3r4t5
- aaa123
- passw0rd
- 741852
- 666666
- 123465
- justin
- !@#$%^&*()
- 12345
- 222222
- qazwsx123
- 999999
- abc123
- tomcat
- dongdong
- 654321
- 111111a
- q1w2e3
- dragon
- 1234560
- 1234567
- asd123456
- secret
- abc123456
- master
- qq123456
- 1q2w3e
- playboy
- P@ssw0rd
- 123654
- 88888888
- 12345678
- orange
- rabbit
- jonathan
- 000000
- qwer
- admin
- asdfasdf
- 1234567890
- 709394
- 12qwaszx
- abcd1234
- pass
- fuck
- abc12345
- qweasdzxc
- abcdef
- superman
- rainbow
- 11111111111
- 1
- 321
- 888888
- 1qaz2wsx
- test
- 112233
- qazwsx
- welcome
- 4815162342
- tiger
- wangyang
- q1w2e3r4
- 111111
- a123456
- hello
- 123456654321'
- 46WXo
- BZrqb@12345
- Courtspng23
- 1Oq9O
- Doctor100
- O8Jv1
- GA49v
- Eric)!&^)
- flowhuge00))
- TgtPAssword
- nusindo
- Kfwy2015Kfwy
- Mupa5403
- Vs9N6
- Gpic9868cs
- Courtspng124
- Baosight@123
- 9Ak3L
- t22BK
- 04bMJ
- 1y0HP
- 9QW5j
- access@2039
- hik12345++
- 3LBs3
- Baosight123
- 69NGv
- 1031979059757747
- 7k6OT
- hello@12300
- postgres
- 1C5aF
- gtagiri
- 83GWq
- 9pY5L
- 1SiL2
- 123
- Mono1234
- p3E6E
- password
- Dz78M
- dellPern06#
- Pa$$w)rd01
- 415309
- Ladakalina21650
- Admin001
- Y3e4W
- X83bI
- An29C
- ZIu90
- Pd888888
- 48hGY
- Chiefma141319@ma
- AyO94
- QAZqaz_2018
- 0C6hA
- 04LLl
- JUman1102
- itnusindo
- 6h3EY
- 123456
- vlabVM2015
- Courts15
- H70aX
- 0Aj3N
- W9nU1
- Courtspng412
- co77ta77
- WQ6m4
- Me$r2Goc^Tbwfs3h
- Zhouwei00
- 0qH9F
- H0eW5
- 7Dz5N
- C0urt502
- L55dQ
- Courtspng12
- 64922510aa@
- spnbErespons
- mohsinmani
- 1234
- gtagiri@1976
- \\/elikiAutobus20
- pipark3_10$
- 9PC3c
- 6bPY5
- jvc2017
- Dx70Y
- SuperMC08
- Kpnwhm@123
- edfer123
- Insider29
- 6oI1U
- Hk994906886
- cuckoo
- 6CD7j
- 2Ec6A
- Pa$$w0rd
- pre)!&^)
- Jesus1234
- Password56
- A123456789*
- Q8fP7
- ahnlab
- Qa123
- X0qY6
- 619088
- UL6q8
- Pa$$w)rd
- ZAm57
- pacche124$
- Pre)!&^)
- Artel2018
- 86VnB
- Artel2016
- gtagiri1976
- Artel2012
- i92SH
- 8Dd0E
- disab*2015
- Elitzsabo5105
- kkklll1!
- hik123456_
- rayos
- 6I6tZ
- 1qa@WS
- Lu66A
- 5ca1e-adm
- 5A2hG
- Redsol99
- sheng516615%*
- VasilevaDarya90
- r0L6X
- 8YG8s
- XNt12
- W8Hi8
- risk~server123
- P@ssw0rd
- Saboelitz5105
- 3hZ4E
- esgre2018$
- redsol99
- enigma
- qwerty
- WTaufE100&FV215b
- Adminit123
- war@1026
- qwertAPU25
- Cxh2263033
- 3L8bH
- 2GrNMlmEjnIM^I
- GLENIS1996
- Kfwy2015
- QmJ00
- Impaxis@2014
- Td89#afg
- mr_rbk420
- 1WZ6b
- 12345
- @cc3ss*50$
- menhu@fazhan.123
- p05QN
- FSk78
- hx-86653686
- 5jM5Y
- 5Mh7Y
- admin,123
- XTw50
- goodluck123
- 1
- 1qa@WS3ed
- Qm84K
- 4Rr0W
- %#$sjadjaiso00kkdjf
- sheng516615%
- 7G#5*2x_-tx4-j
- Z5J7i
- 86HnK
- Lets work. Be proud!
- Edfer90203841
- fintekjan2018
- W!n735
- EBb85
- Agsrvc2ls
- Ladaklina21650
- QG73t
- n64NF
- G9n0E
- N09iM
- 92yEA
- P@$$w0rd
- #ircoelho@9090#
- It uses the following usernames for specific database server:
- mysql:[root]
- postgresql:[postgres, admin]
- mongodb:[admin]
- redis:[null]
- It uses regular expression to scan tcp and udp ports in the database servers
- It uses the following ports for the specific database servers:
- HTTP: 80, 8080, 8888, 8000, 8001, 8088
- VNC: 5900, 5901, 5902, 5903
- MySQL: 3306
- Memcached: 11211
- MySQL/MariaDB: 3309, 3308,3360 3306, 3307, 9806, 1433
- FTP: 21
- Telnet: 23, 2323
- PostgreSQL: 5432
- Redis: 6379, 2379
- ElasticSearch: 9200
- MongoDB: 27017
- RDP: 3389
- UPnP/SSDP: 1900
- NTP: 123
- DNS: 53
- SNMP: 161
- LDAP: 389
- Rexec: 512
- Rlogin: 513
- Rsh: 514
- Rsync: 873
- Oracle database: 1521
- CouchDB: 5984
- It uses the following for C2 Communication based on HTTP Protocol:
- Fetching for a list of IP addresses or domains for scanning a range of IP
- Fetching for a list of passwords
- Reports the scan results
- It fetches internet resources using
- user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.2 Safari/537.36
- url:http://scanaan.tk/cidir
- This ransomware will do the following commands on the database it have bypassed:
- DROP DATABASE %s← (This command will delete the database)
- CREATE DATABASE %s;' % 'PLEASE_READ_ME_XYZ ← (This command will create a blank database)
- CREATE TABLE WARNING (id INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), warning TEXT, Bitcoin_Address TEXT,Email TEXT); ← (This command will create a blank table in the current database)
- INSERT INTO PLEASE_READ_ME_XYZ.WARNING (id, warning, Bitcoin_Address, Email) VALUES(1,'Send 0.02 BTC to this address and contact this email with your ip or db_name of your server to recover your database! Your DB is Backed up to our servers!', '1Kss6v4eSUgP4WrYtfYGZGDoRsf74M7CMr', 'backupsql@protonmail.com'); ← (This command will insert the data in the table)
Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as Ransom.Linux.XBASH.AB. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check the following Trend Micro Support pages for more information:
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