Trend Micro Announces Issuance of Stock Options

Tokyo, Japan – February 18, 2005 - Trend Micro (TSE: 4704; Nasdaq: TMIC), a leader in network antivirus and Internet content security software and services, today resolved at a meeting of its Board of Directors to obtain an authorization by shareholder resolution to be adopted at the 16th ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held on March 25, 2005, for the issuance of stock acquisition rights as stock options that are exercisable from April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2011, as discussed under the agendum below.

1. Reason for the issuance of the Options upon especially favorable conditions to persons other than shareholders

The reason for the issuance is to introduce the stock option system for the benefit of directors, employees of, staff seconded to, advisors of and persons scheduled to be employed by the Company and its subsidiaries for the purpose of strengthening incentive or morale for the improvement of performance of the Trend Micro Group as well as increasing shareholder value by encouraging business development which focuses on the interests of shareholders.

2. Terms and conditions of the Options

(1) Class of shares to be issued upon the exercise of the Options:
Ordinary shares of the Company

(2) Number of shares to be issued upon the exercise of the Options:
Up to 6,000,000 shares in aggregate
In the event of stock split or consolidation, the number of shares to be issued upon the exercise of the Options unexercised on the date of the event (the "Option Shares”) shall be adjusted using the following formula and any fractions less than one (1) share resulting from such adjustment shall be disregarded.

Number of
Shares after
= Number of
Shares before
x Split/Consolidation

In addition, if the adjustment of number of shares becomes necessary in the event of merger or split-off of the Company, etc, then the Company may also adjust the number of the Option Shares.

(3) Aggregate number of the Options to be issued:
Up to 12,000 in aggregate (The number of the Option Shares is 500 shares per one (1) Option; provided, however, that if the adjustment in clause (2) above has been made, it shall also be adjusted accordingly.

(4) Issue price of each Option:
No consideration

(5) Paid-in-price upon the exercise of each Option:
The paid-in-price upon the exercise of the Options (the "Exercise Price”) shall be the closing price of the ordinary shares of the Company established through regular transactions reported by the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the date when the Options will be issued or the immediately preceding date of such date if there is no trading on such date; provided, however, that if such Exercise Price is less than the average price (any fractions less than one (1) yen shall be rounded up) of the daily closing prices of the shares of the Company (including quotations) established through regular transactions and reported by the Tokyo Stock Exchange for a period of thirty (30) trading days (excluding any day on which a closing price is not reported) commencing on the forty fifth (45th) day prior to the immediately following date when the Option will be issued, then the Exercise Price shall be such average price.
In the event of stock split or consolidation, the Exercise Price shall be adjusted using the following formula and any fractions less than one (1) yen resulting from such adjustment shall be rounded up.

Exercise Price
= Exercise Price
x 1
Split/Consolidation Ratio

In the event of issuance of new shares or disposition of treasury stock at a price less than the market price (excluding the exercise of the Options, the subscription rights pursuant to the provision of Article 280-19 of the Commercial Code prior to the amendment on April 1, 2002 and the subscription rights in connection with the bonds with subscription rights pursuant to the provision of Article 341-8 thereof), then the Exercise Price shall be adjusted using the following formula and any fractions less than one (1) yen resulting from such adjustment shall be rounded up.

Exercise Price
= Exercise Price
x Number of
Shares issued
+ Number of
Shares newly
x Subscription
Price per
Share Price before new issue
Number of Shares issued
and outstanding
+ Number of Shares
newly issued

In the formula above, "Number of Shares issued and outstanding” shall mean the number calculated by the number of outstanding shares less the number of treasury stock held by the Company and in the event of the disposition of treasury stock, "Number of Shares newly issued” shall be read as "Number of Treasury Stock disposed” and "Share Price before new issue” shall be read as "Share Price before disposition”.
In addition, if the adjustment of number of shares becomes necessary in the event of merger or split-off of the Company, then the Company may also adjust the Exercise Price.

(6) Exercise period of the Options:
From April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2011

(7) Conditions on the exercise of the Options:

(a) If the person having the Options (the "Optionee”) loses its position as a director, corporate auditor, employee, staff seconded to, or advisor of the Company or its subsidiary (hereinafter in this clause referred to as the "Prior Position”), such Optionee may exercise the Options only during a period of forty-five (45) days from the day on which such Optionee loses its Prior Position. In addition, if the Optionee loses its Prior Position for the reason of incapacity due to physical disability, etc., such Optionee may exercise the Options only during a period of six (6) months from the day on which such Optionee loses its Prior Position unless there is a special reason, which the Board of Directors of the Company deems valid, such as the provision of this clause being in violation of any forcible laws of the country in which the Optionee resides.

(b) In the event of death of the Optionee, then the successor(s) of the Optionee may, upon making necessary arrangement for the succession of the Options within six (6) months of the Optionee’s death, exercise the succeeded Options only during a period of such six (6) months unless there is a special reason, which the Board of Directors of the Company deems valid, such as the provision of this clause being in violation of any forcible laws of the country in which the Optionee resides.

(c) If there is any provision restricting the exercise of the Options for the period set forth in (6) above in the "Share Acquisition Right Grant Agreement” to be entered into between the Company and any person subject to the allocation according to the resolution of this general meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors, then the Optionees shall exercise the Options in accordance with such provision.

(d) No Option may be disposed including, but not limited to, pledge.

(e) Any other condition shall be provided for in the "Share Acquisition Right Grant Agreement”. The Company may, upon grant of the Options, enter into the "Share Acquisition Right Grant Agreement” with the conditions (a) through (c) more restricting the Optionees.

(8) Events and conditions of cancellation of the Options:

(a) In the event of the approval of the contract of merger or amalgamation resulting the Company in the defunct company, or the approval by the general meeting of shareholders of the agenda with respect to the approval of the contract of stock exchange or the share transfer resulting the Company in 100% controlled company, then the Company may cancel the Options without any consideration.

(b) In the event that the Optionee does not satisfy any of the conditions of sub-clauses (a) through (e) of clause (7) above and such Optionee forfeits the Options, then the Company may cancel such Options without any consideration; provided, however, that in this case, the Company may make necessary arrangement for the cancellation in the block after the end of the exercise period.

(9) Transfer restriction of the Options:
No Option may be transferred or assigned without approval of the Board of Directors.

(10) The resolution of the Board of Directors to issue the Options shall provide any other details of issue of the Options.

(Note) The above resolution is conditioned upon the agendum "Issuance of the stock acquisition rights as stock options to directors, employees of, staff seconded to, advisors of and persons scheduled to be employed by the Company and its subsidiaries” being approved at the 16th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held on March 25, 2005. The details of the issuance and granting of the Options will be decided by the resolution of the Board of Directors to be held after the 16th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.


About Trend Micro:

Trend Micro Incorporated (TSE: 4704), a global cloud security leader, creates a world safe for exchanging digital information with its Internet content security and threat management solutions for businesses and consumers. A pioneer in server security with over 20 years' experience, we deliver top-ranked client, server and cloud-based security that fits our customers' and partners' needs, stops new threats faster, and protects data in physical, virtualized and cloud environments. Powered by the Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Network™ cloud security infrastructure, our industry-leading cloud-computing security technology, products and services stop threats where they emerge, on the Internet, and are supported by 1,000+ threat intelligence experts around the globe.

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