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Author: Sara Atie (Product Marketing Manager)

QR Codes: Convenience or Cyberthreat?

Security awareness and measures to detect and prevent sophisticated risks associated with QR code-based phishing attacks (quishing)

Jul 23, 2024

Why NDR is Key to Cyber 'Pest Control'

Intruders are drawn to enterprise IT environments the way mice are attracted to houses. And once either kind of invader is inside, they can be hard to get out. Network detection and response (NDR) lets you trace intruders’ pathways to find out where they’re coming in—and seal the gaps.

Jul 22, 2024

Trend Experts Weigh in on Global IT Outage Caused by CrowdStrike

On July 19, 2024, a large-scale outage emerged affecting Windows computers for many industries across the globe from financial institutions to hospitals to airlines. The source of this outage came from a single content update from CrowdStrike.

Jul 19, 2024

Центр ресурсов DevOps

Securing Application Staging & Production Environments

Is your staging environment secure? Explore the importance of assessing its security. Then, learn techniques and best practices to keep it, your other environments, and your company’s data safe from unauthorized access and data breaches.

Jan 09, 2024

Which DevOps Skills are the Hardest to Learn?

DevOps professionals face expansive challenges, from learning complex technologies to developing and honing interpersonal skills. Read on to discover some of the most difficult skills the role demands.

Nov 22, 2023

Top 10 DevOps Blunders and How to Sidestep Them

Integrating the necessary DevOps practices, tools, and cultures in an organization is difficult, even for experts. Learn how to recognize these challenges and transform them into valuable lessons when navigating the world of DevOps.

Nov 09, 2023

Центр ресурсов CISO

Worldwide 2023 Email Phishing Statistics and Examples

Explore the need for going beyond built-in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace™ security based on email threats detected in 2023.

Jun 20, 2024

Guide to Better Extended Threat Detection and Response (XDR)

Discover how XDR can enhance threat detection and response to improve a SecOps team’s efficiency and outcomes.

Jun 03, 2024

Author: David Chow (Chief Technology Strategy Officer)

A Necessary Digital Odyssey of RPA and AI/ML at HUD

Explore two RPA and AI/ML use cases at HUD during the operational challenges of the longest US Government shutdown, a rigid legacy IT environment, and complex federal regulations.

Mar 13, 2024

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