Keyword: usoj_pidief.zzz
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TSPY_ZBOT.ZZZ accesses this URL to download its configuration file.
TSPY_ZBOT.ZZZ accesses this URL to download its configuration file.
TSPY_ZBOT.ZZZ may be downloaded from this URL.
TSPY_ZBOT.ZZZ accesses this URL to download its configuration file.
TSPY_ZBOT.ZZZ accesses this URL to download its configuration file.
TSPY_ZBOT.ZZZ uploads the stolen information to this URL.
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
CAOLYWA is a file infector with worm capabilities, greatly improving its propagation capability. It spreads across computers by dropping copies of itself in removable drives. It has also been seen
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This file infector arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This file infector arrives on a
Trend Micro has flagged this {malware/spyware type} as noteworthy due to the increased potential for damage, propagation, or both, that it possesses. Specifically, {insert explanation for NW). To get
Other Details Based on analysis of the codes, it has the following capabilities: This Java Applet is a component of a malicious Java archive file (.JAR) that is hosted in a malicious Web site. It
This spyware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It modifies the Internet Explorer Zone Settings. It
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