
Threat Type: Ransomware
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: No
In the wild: Yes
This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
It connects to certain websites to send and receive information.
It encrypts files with specific file extensions. It drops files as ransom note.
4,192,536 bytes
10 Jul 2019
Arrival Details
This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
Process Termination
This Ransomware terminates processes or services that contain any of the following strings if found running in the affected system's memory:
- apache2
- httpd
- nginx
- mysqld
- mysql
- php-fpm
- php5-fpm
- postgresql
Other Details
This Ransomware connects to the following website to send and receive information:
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.206.61/d.php?s=started
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.206.61/d.php/s=done
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.206.61:65000
- http://{BLOCKED}5hh.onion/api/GetAvailKeysByCampId/{Number}
- http://{BLOCKED}l5hh.onion/order/1LWqmP4oTjWS3ShfHWm1UjnvaLxfMr2kjm
- http://{BLOCKED}5hh.onion/static/
Ransomware Routine
This Ransomware encrypts files with the following extensions:
- .dat
- .db0
- .dba
- .dbf
- .dbm
- .dbx
- .dcr
- .der
- .dll
- .dml
- .dmp
- .dng
- .doc
- .dot
- .dwg
- .dwk
- .dwt
- .dxf
- .dxg
- .ece
- .eml
- .epk
- .eps
- .erf
- .esm
- .ewp
- .far
- .fdb
- .fit
- .flv
- .fmp
- .fos
- .fpk
- .fsh
- .fwp
- .gdb
- .gho
- .gif
- .gne
- .gpg
- .gsp
- .gxk
- .hdm
- .hkx
- .htc
- .htm
- .htx
- .hxs
- .idc
- .idx
- .ifx
- .iqy
- .iso
- .itl
- .itm
- .iwd
- .iwi
- .jcz
- .jpe
- .jpg
- .jsp
- .jss
- .jst
- .jvs
- .jws
- .kdb
- .kdc
- .key
- .kit
- .ksd
- .lbc
- .lbf
- .lrf
- .ltx
- .lvl
- .lzh
- .m3u
- .m4a
- .map
- .max
- .mdb
- .mdf
- .mef
- .mht
- .mjs
- .mlx
- .mov
- .moz
- .mp3
- .mpd
- .mpp
- .mvc
- .mvr
- .myo
- .nba
- .nbf
- .ncf
- .ngc
- .nod
- .nrw
- .nsf
- .ntl
- .nv2
- .nxg
- .nzb
- .oam
- .odb
- .odc
- .odm
- .odp
- .ods
- .odt
- .ofx
- .olp
- .orf
- .oth
- .p12
- .p7b
- .p7c
- .pac
- .pak
- .pdb
- .pdd
- .pef
- .pem
- .pfx
- .pgp
- .php
- .png
- .pot
- .ppj
- .pps
- .ppt
- .prf
- .pro
- .psd
- .psk
- .psp
- .pst
- .psw
- .ptw
- .ptx
- .pub
- .qba
- .qbb
- .qbo
- .qbw
- .qbx
- .qdf
- .qfx
It avoids encrypting files with the following strings in their file path:
- /proc
- /boot/
- /sys/
- /run/
- /dev/
- /etc/
- /home/httpd
- /mnt/ext/opt
- .system/thumbnail
- .system/opt
- .config
- .qpkg
It appends the following extension to the file name of the encrypted files:
- .encrypt
It drops the following file(s) as ransom note:
It leaves text files that serve as ransom notes containing the following text:
- All your data has been locked(crypted).
How to unclock(decrypt) instruction located in this TOR website: http://{BLOCKED}5hh.onion/order/{Bitcoin address}
Use TOR browser for access .onion websites.
Do NOT remove this file and NOT remove last line in this file!
{base64 encoded encrypted data}
10 Jul 2019
10 Jul 2019
Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to clean files detected as Ransom.Linux.ECHORAIX.A. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check the following Trend Micro Support pages for more information:
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