The malicious files <i>flash32.exe</i> and <i>kbflashUpd.
Read moreExploit kits such as Angler Exploit Kit and Nuclear Exploit Pack have been updated to include one of the recent Hacking Team Flash zero-day vulnerabilities. Magnitude Exploit kit, in particular, includes CVE-2015-5119 to its exploits.
Read moreThis is the detection for the payload related to the Hacking Team Flash zero-day affecting latest version of Flash in Windows, Mac, and Linux. Once this zero-day vulnerability has been successfully exploited, it downloads this malware.
Read moreThis is the detection for the exploit that targets the Adobe zero-day vulnerability covered in CVE-2015-5119. The said vulnerability affects the latest versions of Flash on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Read moreThis is the detection for the latest variant of Tinba that hit certain countries in Europe. Tinba is dubbed as smallest banker Trojan due to its file size.
Read moreThis backdoor is implicated in the 2015 compromise of the German parliament, also known as Bundestag. This malware connects to a specific C&amp;C server that we believe was controlled by Operation Pawn Storm during extended periods from February 2014 - February 2015.
Read moreThis is one of the Trend Micro detections on the recent Stegoloader malware that affected healthcare organizations in North America. Steganography is a technique where malicious codes are embedded in image files to avoid detection.
Read moreThis backdoor is implicated in the 2015 compromise of the German parliament, also known as Bundestag. This malware connects to a specific C&amp;amp;C server that we believe was controlled by Operation Pawn Storm during extended periods from February 2014 - February 2015.
Read moreThis exploit was included in the Magnitude Exploit Kit, which allowed attackers to spread crypto-ransomware into their target systems in the US, Canada, and the UK.To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Trojan, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.
Read moreThis malware component is related to the Punkey point-of-sale (PoS) malware, which was uncovered in April 2015. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Spyware, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.
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