Trojan:AndroidOS/Plankton.gen!A (Microsoft), Android.Counterclank (Symantec), Android/Apper (McAfee), Andr/NewyearL-B (Sophos), Application:Android/Counterclank.A (Fsecure), Andr.Plangton-12 (Clamav), Riskware/CounterClank!Android (Fortinet), Trojan.AndroidOS.Plankton (Ikarus), Android/Plankton.G trojan (Eset),
Information Stealer
Android OS

Threat Type: Backdoor
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: No
In the wild: Yes
Downloaded from the Internet, Via app stores
This malicious app is known as Brightest Flashlight Free.
It gathers various information on the affected device. It may connect to a C&C server to send information gathered.
It is capable of setting bookmarks, setting browser homepage, and getting shortcuts on the device.
This backdoor may be manually installed by a user.
4,818,527 bytes
26 Feb 2012
Compromises system security, Connects to URLs/IPs, Steals information
Arrival Details
This backdoor may be manually installed by a user.
This is Trend Micro's detection for Android applications bundled with malicious code.
It may connect to its C&C server and send details regarding the infected device:
- http://www.{BLOCKED}
- brand
- device
- manufacturer
- model
- android version
- device ID (IMEI)
- display metrics
- locale
- SDK version
- /activate
- /homepage
- /commandstatus
- /bookmarks
- /shortcuts
- /notifications
- /terminate
- /dumplog
- /unexpectedexception
- /upgrade
- /installation
- /info
- /optout
- get / set homepage of the browser
- get / set bookmarks
- set / get shortcuts
- get / set notification link, title, icon and text
26 Feb 2012
Step 1
Trend Micro Mobile Security Solution
Trend Micro Mobile Security Personal Edition protects Android smartphones and tablets from malicious and Trojanized applications. The App Scanner is free and detects malicious and Trojanized apps as they are downloaded, while SmartSurfing blocks malicious websites using your device's Android browser.
Download and install the Trend Micro Mobile Security App via Google Play.
Step 2
Remove unwanted apps on your Android mobile device
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