NBC News teamed up with Trend Micro for a honeypot experiment designed to check the security of consumer-grade gadgets in time for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. The results show the need for tougher mobile security.
Brazil is experiencing an influx of CPL malware, a malicious variant of .CPL, a legitimate Windows Control Panel file. Cybercriminals are currently repurposing .CPL files to spread banking Trojans targeting Brazilian users.
Trend Micro predicts the biggest security issues expected in 2014 for mobile banking, cybercriminals and targeted attacks, data breaches, Windows XP vulnerabilities, and more.
The Chinese market economy is undoubtedly booming. These days, however, China does not only rank highly for economic performance; it also continues to grow as a major player in the underground market for cybercrime products and services.
Android apps need permissions in order to work. However, cybercriminals can exploit them for personal gain. Here are some of the most commonly requested permissions and how they’re abused.
The EvilGrab campaign—known for targeting governments and diplomatic agencies in China, Japan, and the rest of the world—headlines this quarter’s targeted attack report. Among EvilGrab's many capabilities include grabbing multimedia files and stealing cred