- Partners
- SMB Affiliate Program
As a Trend Micro SMB Affiliate you'll earn a 20% commission when you sell our award-winning small and medium business products. You can earn easy cash, provide your site visitors up-to-date virus information, and sell them our award-winning Worry-Free™ Security solutions for SMB and Home & Home Office security:
When you are approved, you’ll receive special banners and text links to place on your website. When your visitors click on any one of these links and buy Trend Micro products online, you can earn 20% in referral fees. We track the sales you refer to us and then send you a check every month when the total commissions meet or exceed $50. You will also receive new promotions that can help maximize your effectiveness with your site visitors.
It's very simple. Just fill out a one-page form and submit your application. Once you are approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to get your affiliate program links and start earning your commissions.