Check for Compute Optimizer Lambda findings in order to take the necessary actions and optimize the under-provisioned and over-provisioned Amazon Lambda functions identified within your AWS cloud account. AWS Compute Optimizer delivers recommendations for Lambda functions that may be over-provisioned in memory sizes so that you can simply downsize them to save costs. The Compute Optimizer service also delivers recommendations for Lambda functions that may benefit from additional CPU power, so that you can increase their memory sizes to allocate more CPU power and reduce execution time.
The AWS Compute Optimizer findings for Amazon Lambda functions are classified in the following ways:
Memory under-provisioned – a Lambda function is considered under-provisioned when its configured memory or CPU power (which is proportional to the configured memory) does not meet the performance requirements of the workload (application). An under-provisioned function might lead to poor application performance.
Memory over-provisioned – a function is considered over-provisioned when its configured memory can be sized down while still meeting the performance requirements of your workload. An over-provisioned function might lead to unnecessary cloud infrastructure costs.
Memory-optimized – a Lambda function is considered optimized when its configured memory meets the performance requirements of the workload. An optimized function runs your workloads with optimal performance and cost.
Choosing the right amount of memory for your Amazon Lambda functions is extremely important because over-provisioning Lambda functions can lead to unexpected cost, while under-provisioning Lambda functions can lead to increased error rate or application latency and poor performance. AWS Computer Optimizer uses Machine Learning to provide recommendations for Lambda functions that may be over-provisioned or under-provisioned in memory sizes. By using Computer Optimizer recommendations, you can quickly identify optimal memory size settings for your Amazon Lambda functions based on your application usage and performance metrics, without investing substantial time and effort to understand how these work.
To check your AWS cloud account for Compute Optimizer Lambda function findings, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To access, review, and implement the Compute Optimizer finding recommendations generated for your under-optimized Amazon Lambda functions, perform the following operations:
Note: As example, this conformity rule demonstrates how to implement an AWS Compute Optimizer recommendation by reducing the memory size for an over-provisioned Lambda function in order to save cost without impacting performance.References
- AWS Official Documentation
- Getting started with AWS Compute Optimizer
- Metrics analyzed by AWS Compute Optimizer
- Viewing Lambda function recommendations
- AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- compute-optimizer
- get-recommendation-summaries
- get-lambda-function-recommendations
- lambda
- update-function-configuration