Trend Micro Security
  Rule Update

17-018 (2017年4月25日)


* indicates a new version of an existing rule

Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

Mail Server Lotus Domino
1008310 - IBM Lotus Domino Server Examine Command Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Mail Server Sendmail
1000368* - Sendmail SMTP Header And Command Buffer Overflow

Port Mapper Service Common
1008315 - Sun Solaris RPC Service PortMapper Decoder

Sun Solaris RPC Services
1008314 - Oracle Solaris Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-3623)

Web Application Common
1008318 - CPanel Cgiemail And Cgiecho Format String Vulnerability (CVE-2017-5613)

Web Client Common
1008309* - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB17-11) - 3

Web Media Applications
1002451* - YouTube

Web Server IIS
1008312 - Microsoft IIS WebDAV Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Integrity Monitoring Rules:

1008257 - Microsoft Windows - USB Storage Device Detected

Log Inspection Rules:

There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.