Trend Micro Security

2011 年 4 月:マイクロソフト 定例セキュリティ更新プログラム情報

  危険度: : 緊急
  情報公開日: 4 12, 2011


Microsoft addresses the following vulnerabilities in its April batch of patches:

  • (MS11-018) Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2497640)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update resolves four privately reported vulnerabilities and a publicly disclosed one in Internet Explorer (IE). It affects IE6 to IE8, but not IE9. Most severe vulnerabilities may lead to remote code execution. Read more here.

  • (MS11-019) Vulnerabilities in SMB Client Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2511455)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update resolves one publicly disclosed and one privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Windows and may allow remote code execution. It may lead to remote code execution once attackers send a maliciously crafted SMB response to a client-initiated SMB request. Read more here.

  • (MS11-020) Vulnerability in SMB Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2508429)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Windows, which may lead to remote code execution when attackers create a specially crafted SMB packet and send it to an infected system. Read more here.

  • (MS11-021) Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2489279)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update resolves nine privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Excel that allow remote code execution let attackers gain the same rights as legitimate users when they open a maliciously crafted Excel file. Read more here.

  • (MS11-022) Vulnerabilities in Microsoft PowerPoint Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2489283)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update resolves three privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office PowerPoint and could allow remote code execution once user opens a maliciously crafted PowerPoint file. Attackers, who exploit any of these vulnerabilities, successfully gain the same user rights as local users. Read more here.

  • (MS11-023) Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2489293)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update resolves one publicly disclosed vulnerability and one privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Office that allows remote code execution. Attackers can gain the same rights as the legitimate user. Read more here.

  • (MS11-024) Vulnerability in Windows Fax Cover Page Editor Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2527308)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update for one publicly disclosed vulnerability in Microsoft Windows and may lead to remote code execution when users open a specially crafted fax cover page file (.COV) via the Windows Fax Cover Page Editor. Read more here.

  • (MS11-025) Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2500212)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update resolves a publicly disclosed vulnerability related to certain applications built via the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library that may lead to remote code execution. Read more here.

  • (MS11-026) Vulnerability in MHTML Could Allow Information Disclosure (2503658)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update addresses a publicly disclosed vulnerability in the MHTML protocol handler in Microsoft Windows and may lead to information disclosure when users visit a maliciously crafted site. In an attack scenario, a website may contain a crafted link that is used to exploit this bug. Attackers use social engineering to convince users to visit the site, which in turn accesses a specially crafted link. Read more here.

  • (MS11-027) Cumulative Security Update of ActiveX Kill Bits (2508272)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Windows, which may lead to remote code execution when attackers create a specially crafted SMB packet and send it to an infected system. Read more here.

  • (MS11-028) Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2484015)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update resolves a publicly disclosed vulnerability in the Microsoft .NET Framework that allows remote code execution on a system if a user views a specific site via Web browsers that can run XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs). Read more here.

  • (MS11-029) Vulnerability in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2489979)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update resolves an undisclosed vulnerability in Microsoft Windows GDI that may lead to arbitrary code execution when a user views a specifically crafted image file using affected software or when users browse sites that contain specially crafted content. Read more here.

  • (MS11-030) Vulnerability in DNS Resolution Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2509553)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update addresses a privately reported vulnerability in the Windows DNS resolution that may lead remote code execution when attackers gain access to the network and create a program to send malicious Link-local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) broadcast queries to specific systems. Read more here.

  • (MS11-031) Vulnerability in JScript and VBScript Scripting Engines Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2514666)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in the JScript and VBScript scripting engines that may lead to arbitrary code execution when users visit a specially crafted website. Attackers employ social engineering techniques to convince users to visit such sites. Read more here.

  • (MS11-032) Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) Driver Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2507618)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This update addresses a privately reported vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) driver that allow remote code execution when a user views the content using a crafted CFF font. Attackers use social engineering techniques to convince users to visit maliciously crafted content. Read more here.

  • (MS11-033) Vulnerability in WordPad Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2485663)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. Newer versions, such as Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2 are not affected by the vulnerability. This may lead to arbitrary code execution once user opens a specially crafted file using WordPad. Read more here.

  • (MS11-034) Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2506223)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This update addresses 30 privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows that may allow elevation of privilege when locally logged-on attackers run a specially crafted application. Read more here.


トレンドマイクロのサーバ向け総合セキュリティ製品「Trend Micro Deep Security(トレンドマイクロ ディープセキュリティ)」は、特定のフィルタを用いて以下の脆弱性から保護します。また、「Trend Micro 脆弱性対策オプション(ウイルスバスター コーポレートエディション プラグイン製品)」をご利用のユーザも、これらの脆弱性から保護されます。

Microsoft セキュリティ情報 ID CVE識別番号 フィルタ番号およびフィルタ名 Deep Security パターンバージョン Deep Security パターンリリース日
MS11-018 CVE-2011-0094 1004632 - Layouts Handling Memory Corruption Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-1245 1004630 - Javascript Information Disclosure Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-1345 1004631 - Object Management Memory Corruption Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
MS11-019 CVE-2011-0654 1004600 - Microsoft Active Directory 'BROWSER ELECTION' Buffer Overflow Vulnerability 11-008 2011年3月23日
CVE-2011-0660 1004637 - SMB Client Response Parsing Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
MS11-020 CVE-2011-0661 1004641 - SMB Transaction Parsing Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
MS11-021 CVE-2011-0097 1004642 - Excel Integer Overrun Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-0098 1004634 - Excel Heap Overflow Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-0101 1004638 - Excel Record Parsing WriteAV Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-0104 1004635 - Excel Buffer Overwrite Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-0105 1004639 - Excel Data Initialization Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-0978 1004646 - Excel Array Indexing Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
MS11-023 CVE-2011-0977 1004636 - Microsoft Office Graphic Object Dereferencing Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日
MS11-026 CVE-2011-0096 1004578 - Microsoft Internet Explorer MHTML MIME Handler Information Disclosure 11-004 2011年2月1日
MS11-027 CVE-2010-0811 1004643 - Cumulative Security Updates of ActiveX Kill Bits 11-012 2011年4月12日
CVE-2011-1243 1004643 - Cumulative Security Updates of ActiveX Kill Bits 11-012 2011年4月12日
MS11-030 CVE-2011-0657 1004645 - DNS Query Vulnerability 11-012 2011年4月12日