Trend Micro TippingPoint Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System "Recommended" by NSS Labs

99.5% Security Effectiveness

Find out why TippingPoint NGIPS should be at the top of your list

NSS Labs recently put eight next-generation intrusion prevention system (NGIPS) solutions through a series of tests that included real-world traffic mixes and multiple exploit attack and evasion techniques. Trend Micro™ TippingPoint® received a “Recommended” rating. Proven and reliable, TippingPoint provides inline, real-time network protection for known, undisclosed and unknown vulnerabilities.

To learn more, download a copy of Trend Micro TippingPoint’s NSS Labs Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System test results.

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99.5% Security Effectiveness
100% rating on evasion testing
No false positives

TippingPoint at a
at a glance


Trend Micro TippingPoint NGIPS protects critical infrastructure, data, and vulnerable applications inline in real-time from known, undisclosed, and unknown vulnerabilities.

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