As telemetries multiply, hackers have wrestled back the upper hand. Truth is, EDR is no longer enough. Gartner investigated.

Lower Alert Fatigue

Your SOC team will no longer be grappling with false positives. Newly empowered, with simple-to-read reports, your team can take the fight to the hackers.

Threat Hunting

In a single data lake, XDR captures and correlates all activity – from across your technology ecosystem. That way you can both identify hidden threats and secure your operational environment.

Faster MTTD & MTTR

With improved visibility on a single platform, SOC is transformed into a rapid response unit. Your team can triage threats fast and take the initiative to ensure uninterrupted business momentum.

What is Trend Micro Vision One™?

What is Trend Micro XDR?

See Trend Micro Vision One in action

See how Trend Micro brings together telemetry from multiple security layers into a comprehensive yet easy to understand report that enables you to detect more, earlier and more accurately

How Vision One solves alert fatigue problems

See the Vision One workbench in action as it prioritises threats

Watch Vision One facilitate faster MTTD & MTTR

Trusted and validated by the experts

Hear from your peers

“Now we have multiple layers of protection from Trend Micro working together and being correlated, our maturity has increased significantly”

Moreno Sartorello
Chief Information Officer
Cox Architecture

“XDR has helped enterprises reduce noise to their SIEM by reducing thousands of lower confidence events into a few high fidelity alerts”

Phua Chai Chung
Deputy Director
M1 Net Ltd

“XDR gives us an additional dimension in threat detection”

Ian Loe
SVP, Cybersecurity
NTUC Enterprise Co-operative Limited

Watch XDR Launch Event

Find out more

With our smart, optimised, and connected technology you can see the big picture and prepare for, withstand, and rapidly recover from threats. Speak to a member of our team to learn more.