Ensure that "Skip Default Network Creation" constraint policy is enforced for your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) organizations in order to follow security best practices and meet networking requirements. Once enabled, this constraint skips the creation of the default Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network and related resources during Google Cloud project creation.
By default, a default network and supporting resources are automatically created when you launch a new Google Cloud project. A default Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is designed in such a way that you can quickly deploy cloud resources and not have to think about the underlying network. The default VPC comes with a predefined network configuration that automatically generates a set of over-permissive, insecure firewall rules, that are not included in the audit logging. A default VPC might be suitable for getting started quickly with your GCP project, however, when you deploy complex, production applications that use multi-tier architectures, you may need to keep parts of your network private or to customize the network model yourself, therefore it is strongly recommended to enforce using non-default VPC networks.
To determine if the creation of the default VPC network is disabled for your GCP organizations, perform the following actions:
Remediation / Resolution
To ensure that a default VPC network is not automatically deployed for each new Google Cloud project within your organization, enable the "Skip Default Network Creation" constraint policy by performing the following actions:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- VPC network overview
- VPC overview
- Using VPC networks
- Using constraints
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud organizations list
- gcloud alpha resource-manager org-policies describe
- gcloud alpha resource-manager org-policies enable-enforce
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Skip Default VPC Network Creation
Risk Level: Medium