• This malware exploits an Adobe Flash zero-day vulnerability. When a system is exploited successfully, it allows a remote user to execute arbitrary code on the system.

  • This malware was discovered to be involved in a series of malicious campaigns that found victims in Europe, China, Middle East, Africa, India, and Latin America on late January 2015. It comes as an attachment to a spammed mail and downloads a cryptolocker variant onto affected systems.

  • This cryptoransomware variant was discovered to be involved in a series of malicious campaigns that found victims in Europe, China, Middle East, Africa, India, and Latin America on late January 2015. It encrypts files using various file extensions.

  • This PlugX variant is found in compromised releases of some legitimate online games.To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Backdoor, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.

  • This file infector is embedded in an infected zip file served by a website hosted in North Korea.To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this File infector, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.

  • This threat is related to attacks that used Android Same Origin Policy (SOP) vulnerability to target Facebook users. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Trojan, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.

  • This threat is related to attacks that used Android Same Origin Policy (SOP) vulnerability to target Facebook users. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Trojan, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.

  • This threat is a Master Boot Record (MBR) wiper that infected systems of a major Korean electric utility. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Trojan, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.

  • This threat is related to banking Trojans targeting South Korean banks that used Pinterest as their command and control (C&C) channel.To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Spyware, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.

  • This is the detection for the infected .MSI files related to the URSNIF variant that steals information.
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